Welcome back to FoodPoint! Season 3 kicks off officially
on 2nd October 2015. Once again, I have made some changes.
Firstly, the Tips videos are back (and hopefully better
than ever)! The Tips in Season 1 were really just to ensure that you had a
fairly decent kitchen kit, but by now that shouldn’t be an issue, so these Tips
should actually provide some helpful information about other aspects of
Secondly, looking ahead to Season 4, I’d like it to be
more interactive. Throughout Season 3 I’ll welcome any of your queries,
requests and feedback. Is there a recipe that you want to see? Drop me a line
or two and you might just see it in Season 4! Is there a certain technique that
you’re having trouble with? I’ll work at it until I’ve mastered it and put it
up as a Tip/Spotlight video!
As my viewers/readers, it’s your opinion that matters the
most to me in this, and I’m genuinely interested in hearing from you. Don’t be
Thanks to everyone for continuing to watch/read my humble
little blog. Onwards and upwards!
--- Blake
P.S.: Check out the Season 3 Trailer at .
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